Good evening,
friends. Shall we bow our heads and speak to the King of Kings.[Blank spot on
tape—Ed.] service…
Our heavenly Father, we thank
Thee tonight for the grand privilege that we have of coming together in
meeting, worshipping Thee in Spirit and truth. We thank Thee for the Lord
Jesus, for His great redeeming love to us, that was so sovereignly given. And when
we were sinners away from God, alienated, without hope, without God, and Christ
died, the Lovely for the unlovely, to redeem us back to the Father, and now,
brought us so close that we’re recognized as sons and daughters of God. But it
does not yet appear what we shall be in the final end, but we know that we’ll
have a body like His own glorious body, for we shall see Him as He is. Then,
Lord, there’ll be no more prayer for the sick. It’ll all be over then. So help
us tonight, to worship Him [Blank spot on tape—Ed.]… all that is within us and
bless the Lord. For we ask it in the Name of Jesus, God’s beloved Son. Amen.
Good evening, friends. And I am so happy to be with you again this evening to
worship our dear blessed Saviour. If Dr. Lee Vayle, pastor of the First Baptist
Church, in Ohio, if he will see my boy, Billy Paul, behind the stage right
away, if—if you will, Dr. Vayle.
Now, we have one more night after tonight in this lovely
gathering here in the great Cadle Tabernacle. And we’re so happy to be here;
and for the opened door to meet together, worship the Lord. And the Lord has
been blessing us tremendously, I feel. And this great convention that has come
to Indianapolis, and I am so happy that they invited me to have a part of this
convention: to speak to you, the purchase of the Blood of the Lord Jesus.
I’ve often wondered what I would
do if I have two drops of the literal Blood of Christ, that I could hold in my
hand in a charger. How I’d walk with it so carefully that I would not spill it.
But I think tonight, I have in His sight, greater than two drops of the literal
Blood. I have the purchase of His Blood before me. So I’m very careful of what
I say to the purchase of His Blood.
So it was… It’s our intention to try to help
further the cause of Christ and make people—the world, as Mr. Cadle used to say
it here at thetabernacle,“Abetterplacetodo—easiertodorightandhardertodo wrong,”
something of that order. And many of you has heard the—the brother say that.
And we’re thinking, tonight that he is—a place where they’ll never be any more
wrong: in glory.
The Bible said, “They rest from
their labors, but their works do
Mr. Ford, that I just had the
privilege of meeting, just a few moments ago, a very fine Christian gentleman…
So glad that
Indianapolis has a place like this.
So now, tonight we are back over in the blessed
old Bible; that’s just about all I know about it. And my ABC’s… How many know
what the ABC’s of the Bible is? Always Believe Christ. That’s the—that’s the
ABC’s of the Bible.
So last evening we was trying to
speak on Abraham. And I got part of the way through to my text, and we had to
hurry. So I thought, maybe, tonight I’d finish it up and give us a chance to
dismiss a little earlier. And maybe tomorrow night, being the great press…
Tomorrownightisclosingofthisconvention,andusuallyonthatnight, there’s more
takes place than any other night; because it’s the—the pressure, the
anticipation. And many times, as far as the healing that they press hard, and
they know they’ve got to have faith right now or not have it at all; so they
press right up. And usually our Lord does great things for us. So we’re
expecting tomorrow night… And will you pray with me that there will not be one
sick or feeble person left among us? Now, will you hold onto God for that for
me tomorrow night? And I know that He was wounded for our transgressions, and
with His stripes we were healed.
Someone not long ago was discussing it with me,
and a very fine scholar. And he could speak words that I know nothing about.
And so he said, “Brother Branham, I believe you’re sincere,” but said, “I am
sure that you’re wrong when you teach Divine healing, because you can’t place
Divine healing in the atonement.” He said, “Do you preach
Divine healing
from the atonement?”
And He said, “Well, if—I’ll prove
to you that it isn’t in the atonement…”
said, “Well, I—I would sure like to hear it.”
And He said, “You preach what
Isaiah said about Christ, that bore our infirmities and so forth?”
I said, “Yes,
sir, that’s…”
He said, “If I’ll prove to you
that that was fulfilled, will you accept it?”
I said, “If it’s proved by the
Bible, I—I will.” And I knew he was just fresh from school, and I—I never went
any farther than the seventh grade, so I—I know he was more than a match for me
in—in wits like that. But I knowed Who I had believed (See?), the Lord Jesus.
And I know that He’s the Healer, ’cause He healed me. I was blind and now I
see. So I—I know He’s the Healer. And I seen Him heal tens of thousands of
people, or seen people accept their healing. That’s the way it is. It isn’t…
The Lord doesn’t heal you now; He’s already done it. Every redemptive blessing
has already been finished at Calvary; you just look and live. That’s the way it
It’s not that anybody can heal you, or bring
healing, or God bring any healing. It’s your faith in His finished work. So he
said, “It wasn’t finished there at Calvary for healing.” He said, “Now, in
Matthew the 8th chapter,” I believe it is. He said, “Mr. Branham,” he said,
“the Bible said that He healed the people that was brought to Him that it might
fulfill which was spoken by the prophet Isaiah: He bore our infirmities and so
said, “Do you apply it there, brother?”
He said, “Yes.”
I said, “How could that be the atonement when it was a year
and six months before the atonement was ever made?” He hadn’t yet been
glorified. The Blood had never been shed. So if that be the case, the atonement
had more power before it was actually in force then it did after it was in
force. So how could we do that?” I said, “That was about a year and six months
before He was crucified.” The Blood had never been shed yet. So how could that
apply to the atonement? And so then he went to using great big words. And I
said, “Kind, sir, I don’t have the gift of interpretation.” I said, “I—I—I
can’t understand what you’re talking about. Just plain King James, I understand
it better.” So I said, “Well, let’s see…” He just kept talking. I said, “Well,
now brother, look, I’m going to ask you something. Will you admit that Divine
healing is in the Word? ’Cause Mark 11:24 said, ‘Whatsoever things you desire,
when you pray, believe.’” See?
Oh, he said, “Yes.” Said. Now, he said the wrong thing
there. He said, “This is in the Word, ’cause whatsoever…”
I said, “Jesus said, ‘Whatsoever things… And the things
that I do, shall you also.’ What about that?”
I said, “No,
sir, I—I’m trying to get you to Mark 11.”
And he said… I said… he said, “Yes, it’s in the
Word,” but said,
“not in the
Well, I said,
“The Word’s over the atonement.”
“Oh,” he said,
“It can’t be.”
said, “It is.” And I said, “Look. There was a king one
time thatmade all of his laws and rules. And he had—he made all the laws and
the penalties. He was a just man. He was a truthful man. And one time there was
a slave committed a crime. And at the judgment seat the king said, “I’m sorry,
sir, but I have to take your life, because it’s written right here in my laws
that you have to die for this penalty. And I’m a—a man that’s just. I can’t go
back on my word, and here is my law says that you must die. So I have to take
your life.” And the poor fellow started trembling. He said, “Well, what can I
do for you before I take your life.
He said, “Give me a glass of
water.” He took the glass of water; he couldn’t hold it, the man knowed his
head was going to be cut off. And he just shaking.
He said, “Now, wait a minute.” He
said, “I’m not going to take your life till you drink the water.” The slave
throwed it on the ground…?… I said, “What’s he going to do now?” Is his word
above his law? He has to stay with his word if he’s just.
He said. “That
was a slip up on the king.”
I said, “Then God put it in His
Word not in the atonement, He’d had a slip up too?” Not our God. He don’t have
no slip ups. That’s right; He doesn’t.
A lady here some time ago sent her boy away to
school to learn to be a minister. So she taken real sick, and she sent to the
school, and said for the boy to stand by, for the doctor said she might die. It
was… She had pneumonia in the worst stage. So the boy made ready to come home
on a moment’s call. And so he didn’t hear no more. Said the next day his mother
was all right, so he let it go.
So when he come home on a
vacation, he said to his mother; he said, “Mother,” said, “what happened to you
when you was so sick and you got well so quick.” Said, “What doctor did you
She said,
“Hallelujah. Jesus.”
Said, “Mother.”
She said, “You know, there’s a…
You know that little mission is around the corner?”
Said, “Yes.”
Said, “Well, there was one of
those ladies down there come up to seeme,saidshewasledtocomeseeme.Andmydoctorgivemeup.”
And said, “Down at our church, we
pray for the sick, and anoint them with oil, and pray for the sick.” And said,
“Would you let our pastor, come pray for you?”
She said, “Well, I’d be glad.”
And so he said… Went and got the pastor; he come up, and he read out of the
Bible in Mark the 16th chapter, where if you lay hands on the sick they shall
recover.” And said, “The minister read that to me out of the Bible and laid
hands on me, and I got well.”
Oh, he said, “Ridiculous, mother,
ridiculous.” Said, “That’s just the uneducated people believe that.” Said,
“Now, in the seminary we learned that Mark the 16th chapter, from the 9th verse
on, is not inspired.”
Huh, the woman
said, “Hallelujah.”
“Why,” he said, “Mother, the very
audacity. Well,” said, “you act like one of them down there.” So she said,
He said, “What’s
the matter with you?”
She said, “I was just a thinking.
If God could heal me with
As Billy Sunday once said, “The
argument is thinner than the broth made out of the shadow of the chicken that
starved to death.” So it’s very thin against Divine healing, because just a
little too late; God’s already doing it. So that… The proof of the pudding is
the eating thereof.
Well, over in this blessed old Bible, the old
Textbook, we’ll take the same subject tonight: of Abraham. And tomorrow night,
remember; come early. I’m going to have the boys giving out their cards and
things early, if we can, for a great prayer line tomorrow night, the Lord
Now, last night we left off where
Abraham, I believe had went up, and God had taken him out of the picture,
showing that His covenant was wholly…?… It was no strings tied to it. It was
God by His sovereign grace had promised unconditionally that He would save
Abraham and his seed. And we found out last night in the reading of the Word
that we are Abraham’s seed when we are dead in Christ, and are heirs of the
same promise. That right?
Abraham’s seed. Every man that’s
born of the Spirit of God is Abraham’s seed and are heirs according to the
promise. Paul said, “We…”TheJews—notJewsoutwardlybutJewsinwardly…
Now, the promise was to the seed,
not seeds of Abraham. Abraham
And now, Abraham believed God. How he got this
great name of being the father of nations, he believed God and believed in
Against hope, he
still believed in hope, knowing that God was able to perform what He had
Oh, my young brother setting
there in a wheelchair, if you could only see that promise tonight, sonny boy.
Calvary’s before you. And if you can just move the shadows from your mind, look
there something would anchor down in here, there would be nothing in the world
ever move it. You’d be pushing that wheelchair out the building and around
And you that’s dying with heart trouble: worst killer there
is… Cancer, doctors can hardly do a thing about it… I heard on the radio the
other day, that it couldn’t be proved that one time an operation for cancer was
ever successful. They call it a fourth dimension disease. But God’s got the
cure. Medicine is remedies. God is the cure. “I’m the Lord that healeth all of
thy diseases.”
Now, if Abraham believed God because God said so,
then we being Abraham’s seed, we have the same type of faith Abraham had. ’Cause
God called Abraham by election. How did He call you? By election. The only way
you could be called is by election. “No man can come to Me except My Father
calls him first.” God does the electing; then you just follow.
And then, if He called you… “And
all that comes to Me I’ll give them everlasting life, and will no wise cast him
out, and raise him up in the last day.”
Those who He foreknew, He has called. Those who He has
called, He justified. Those who He justified, He has glorified. That’s God’s
Word. I love It, because I can put my confidence in It and believe It and know
that It’s the truth.
I just made a remark a few moments ago: In my
travels around the world I find two classes of people: two churches, as to
speak. There’s onlyonechurch,butthisiswhatImean.Ifindthefundamentalpeople, who
positionally know what they are in Christ Jesus. But I say this with
Now. Then the next class is the
Pentecostal. They got a lot of faith but don’t know who they are. That’s it.
Now, it’s just like a man’s got money in the bank and he doesn’t know how to
write a check. The next man can write a check, but he hasn’t got no money in
the bank. If you could ever get them two together, you would have it.
If I could get Pentecostal faith
and fundamental doctrine, or get fundamental doctrine and Pentecostal faith,
the Millennium would start right away. There would be something wonderful. But
the Pentecostal people, with respect and knowing that probably eighty percent
of this crowd is Pentecostal… Lovely people, but you—you shout all your joy
away. You shout all your faith away. If you’d take that and place it solemnly
in what God said, and know that’s what is making you happy, and know that what
gives you redemption which you’rehappyaboutandyoushouldbe…Ifyou’dusethatfaithyonder
at Calvary and take God and say “It’s You, Lord, and there isn’t one speck of
me that doubts it,” things would take place.
There’s an intellectual faith. We are a trinity,
like God is in our soul, body, and spirit. Now the—science said a few years ago
that when God said, “That as a man thinketh in his heart so is he,” they said
that God don’t know what He was talking about. And when the Bible said,
“Your—your body’s full of light,” the old scientist said, “Oh, isn’t that
crazy?” the infidel.
that. It’s your own light meters in your body, not the light of the xray. It
has no light. It’s your light meters that takes the—make the xray. So your body
is full of light. And then every little cell there’s a light cell in here.
Now, also, listen. Here about two years ago, I
was in Chicago where science has proved now… Just about a year and six months
ago, I guess it was, they had a piece in the paper (Mr. Boze’s daughter and I
were reading it.), that where that the doctors has proved that inside of the
heart of a human, not a animal, in a human is a teeny little compartment—little
bitty compartment that doesn’t even have a blood cell in it. And they say it’s the…?…
of the soul. The soul lives in the heart.
Now, intellectual faith is what…
That’s what’s the matter with our revivals today. Now, here it is now; get it.
Billy Graham, Jack Shuler, many a great man, Oral Roberts, great evangelists on
the field has combed this nation back and forth. Altar calls has been made till
But the reason, it’s only the
people are brought to an intellectual faith. If they would go on just a little
deeper till that faith come from the intellectuals and soaked down into the
soul, it would last. That’s the reason about eighty percent or ninety percent
of the converts that
comesinarevivalisgonebeforesixmonthsisgone,isbecausetheyonly have an
intellectual conception. But when it becomes an experience of
Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God whereby you’re
sealed until the next revival? I just wanted to see if you was listening to
what I was talking about. “Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God whereby you’re
sealed,” how long? [Congregation replies, “day of your redemption”—Ed.] That’s
right. No breaking the seal… When a— a building is completely—or a boxcar, I’d
say, loaded and the seal put on it, don’t you never touch that seal; you’re in
trouble with the government.
And when God cleanses out by
grace all the unbelief out of the heart, where a man can look God in the face
and realize that he’s an offspring of God, he’ll believe every Word that God
wrote in that Bible to be the truth. God will seal him into the Kingdom of God
by the Holy Ghostuntilthedayofhisredemption.Godsaidso.IbelievetheWord.
One great neglect among us, one great thing that
we don’t have much of is the anemic condition of the church. The condition at
the church is failing and here’s… Now here’s one thing; we go too much upon
evidences. Now, Luther said, “The just shall live by faith.” He thought he had
Now, you good Methodist, that’s pretty good. When you got enough faith to
sanctify and get to shouting, Nazarenes, Pilgrim Holiness, Methodist, you said,
“Glory, we got it.” But you found out you didn’t. That’s right. You done a lot
of things after you shouted you oughtn’t have done: backslid, went on back.
You Pentecostal got to speaking
in tongues; you said, “Oh, brother, we got it now.” But you find out you
didn’t. Hmm.
God is Love. And the fruits of
the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, goodness, gentleness, mercy.
Where there’s knowledge, it shall vanish. Educate your preachers as much as you
want to. Where it’ll—knowledge, it’ll vanish. Where there’s prophecies, it’ll
fail. Where there’s tongues, they shall cease. But when that which is perfect
is come, which is love, it endureth forever.
Let me stop here, just a moment. We got plenty of
time tonight anyhow. I’ll get to this text tomorrow night maybe then.
Let me just give you just a
little inside of my life. Would you like to know it just a little bit? I don’t
like… Just to hear, just something comes in mind.
I’m going to tell you, my
brethren: don’t make any difference how emotional you try to be. That’s good.
Anything without emotion is dead. You can scientifically prove that. So if your
religion ain’t got a little emotion about it, you better bury it, get some
that’s got emotion. But, look brother, the main thing, if all of your emotions
isn’t sealed by Divine Holy Spirit love, it won’t do you any good.
You know how I’ve had success is
this, one thing I contribute it: love. That’s right. Do you know love will
conquer anything, no matter what it is?
How many’s read the book back there—been reading
my book? Let’s see your hands. How many’s ever read my book? Fine. Thank you.
You seen the picture of the Angel of the Lord back there too.
Now, notice, all scientifically.
You notice in the first part at
Portland, Oregon, that night when I was standing on the platform and that
maniac run to the platform to kill me. You remember reading that? I was just
speaking just like I am now, and this fellow run down through a crowd of
people, thousands; and they were standing in the street. And his eyes bulged
way out, and he was making his hands go up and down. He ran up to the platform.
I thought maybe somebody was sick, and he was coming after them. It was about
hundred and fifty, two hundred ministers setting behind me. And I looked at
him, and he run on up that way, and preachers scattered like flies. And I… He’d
just hit a preacher that day (and he was out of the insane institution.), broke
his jaw and his collar bone. The police was after him.
And at the platform… He run right straight up to
me and blowed real big like a goose, pushed out his chest, great big arms. I
weighed a hundred and twenty eight then; he weighed about two fifty, about six
And he said, “You hypocrite, you snake in the grass,
standing up here imposing yourself as a servant of God. I’m going to take you
apart right on this platform.” Oh, I… You better know what you’re talking about
when it’s a maniac. I just kept still, looked at him. He said, “Calling
yourself a man of God…” Rolled his arm up, said, “I’m going to knock that
little frame of yours plumb out over that audience; there won’t be a piece of
you together when you land.”
I knowed he was well able to carry his threats out. I just
looked at him. Not a preacher said a word; they were gone. And I looked, and
here come two police. I’d just led both of them to Christ. One of their
mother’swashealedthenightbefore:agoodPresbyterianwoman.And they run out there
to grab him.
I said, “This is not a flesh and blood affair, brother.
Just a moment. Thank you.” The little fellows backed off. Stood there a minute,
I just kept real still. And I was going to tell him, I’d say, “Sir, what’s the
And he went [Brother Branham makes a spitting sound—Ed.],
spit right in my face. And he said, “You snake in the grass.” He said,
“Tonight, I’m going to break every bone in your body.”
And I was going to say, “I hope
you don’t.” And as I started to say that, God in His Sovereignty… The Holy Spirit
came down, and He said, just spoke in my… I…They thought it was me speaking,
but it wasn’t, no more than it is in the vision.
He said, “Because that you’ve
challenged the Spirit of God tonight, you’ll fall over my feet.” There’s both
prophecies. Now it had to be showed.
Said, “Fall over your feet?”
Said, “You hypocrite,” said, “I’ll show you whose feet I’ll fall over.” Drew
back his arm, and run at me real hard, and he started to hit at me.
I said, “Satan,
come out of the man.”
And when his arm was up, he went,
“Hmm, hmm,” rolled around like that and fell down right across my feet and
pinned me there till the police had to roll him off of my feet.
said, “Is that man dead?” I said, “No, sir. He worships that spirit.” They
pulled him out.
What was it? Did I hate that man? I loved him, a
poor mortal in that condition. That wasn’t that man speaking; that was the
devil. He was possessed of the devil. And the devil made the challenge, and the
HolySpiritchallengedhimback.Andyouknowwhathappened?There was wheelchairs, cots,
stretchers; you know how it was in the first beginning. When that happened you
could… When He was speaking you could’ve heard a pin drop, as the old saying
is. But when the—all that legion saw that their chief man had been slain, every
sick person rose to their feet; every cot was empty; every wheelchair emptied
up; and the whole group was healed at one time, and walked out (See?), because
the power of hatred and the power of love had met together,
Now, you might… I hope you don’t dislike me from
this on, but I want to tell you a little something happened. You might say
after this, Brother Branham is a fanatic. But all right; you’re going to say it
anyhow. So you might as well say something more. So then one day down on the
Burke’s farm down in Indiana here, where I come from, Jeffersonville, there’d
been a big old bull had killed a colored man. They’d sold him out there near
Henryville: big Guernsey bull; great long horns.
I was game warden here for years, when I was a
Baptist minister. I just used to patrol. I never taken a offering in my life:
never took one offering in my life.
So, a brother asked me one time
if I’d take him a offering. I said, “You’ll starve next week.” ’Cause I
remember one time I said I was going to take an offering in my church and I
told my wife. We got to a
placewherewecouldn’tmakeendsmeet.Didyouevergetthemplaces? Sure you have.
She said, “I’m
going over to watch you.”
So I got up there, and I said…
Now, because they wouldn’t… They’d give me anything they had, but I was young
and why couldn’t I work same as anyone else. So I got up, and I said,
“Brethren, I…” We didn’t have even collection plate. I said, “I—I going to… Hit
a little tough place, I’m going to take a offering tonight.” And I said, “Would
somebody get my hat?”
And one the old deacons walked
over to get my hat. I looked down, a little old mother setting there under—a
little checkered apron. I don’t know whether you ever seen the pocket on the
inside of the apron. She reached down there and got out one of those—during the
time of the depression, anyhow (You know?), and that little pocketbook that
snaps over the top, begin to fumble around them nickels, and oh, my, I couldn’t
stand it. “Oh,” I said, “I was just a teasing you. I didn’t mean it.”That
wasthe closest I evercome to taking an offering.
And Mr. Ryan, an old fellow that
come down from Dowagiac, Michigan, had long hair, rode a bicycle down there,
and he give it to me, and I got a ten cent can of paint and painted it, and
sold it for five dollars. Didn’t have to take the offering after all.
23 So
that was it. I was patrolling, and I was on the conservation. And I’d been over
there to a—a creek, and I remember a brother was across the other side was sick
and had sent for me to come over and have prayer for him. I just thought this
was a good time, so I started walking up over the hill. There was a little
brush in the field like. And when I got about middle ways of this field of
about five hundred yards across there or more, what raised up but that same
bull that had killed that colored man. And there he was standing about thirty
or forty feet from me. And you—him… Some cows was laying there. He raised up
and snorted and looked at me, and I recognized the bull.
Well, I’s supposed to have a gun,
but, huh, I didn’t have one. And so I looked back to the fence; it was too far
to run, and no tree to get into. So I thought this is probably the end then. So
I looked at him, and you know… Now, this is not a joke. When I looked at that
bull, and he lowered his head, and threw his horns on the ground, threw the
dirt back over him, and he started coming… Now, instead of hating that bull, I
was glad I didn’t have no gun. I loved him. Now, that seems strange. I—I want
you to remember this. I loved that fellow. I thought, “Poor fellow, I’m in his
place. I’m on his territory. He was sleeping and
I woke him up,
just got him roused up.”
And I said to him, not knowing; I said, “Creature of God, I
am the servant of God. I’m on my way to pray for one of God’s sick children.
Now, you can’t bother me, because I’m God’s servant. Now, I’m sorry I disturbed
you. In Jesus’ Name, go lay down.”
And that bull, not a bit more afraid of that bull, than I
was the man that night or my brethren setting here. And that bull run right to
me, till he got within about ten feet of me, and I wasn’t no more afraid than I
am now. And he got right close to me, and he stopped, and he looked this way
and that way so depleted. And I just looked at him; I thought, “Poor fellow.”
He turned right around, and walked over, and laid down, and I walked right on
by him.
Love will conquer anything. Where there’s tongues, they
shall cease. Where there’s prophecies, it shall vanish. But when love comes, it
conquers everything. God so loved the world. There’s where you’re failing,
friends. Don’t practice so much of whether you got gifts or not, but practice
that one real gift of love then you’dbe better.
Being I started this far, I might as well say
something else. Many of you come down and be prayed for at the house, and I
want… I try to mow my yard in the front. And—and I’d mow a couple of rounds
then run to… A carload of people come in and be prayed for; and I’d run around
and take off my overalls and—and put on the other clothes and go and pray for
them and… Well, the front was growing up before I could get the back cut. So
I—I was down in the back yard, and no one back there, and I took off my shirt:
real hot. And I was going mowing with the mower just hard as I could. Never
thought, but there was a big old hornet’s nest hanging in the corner. And I hit
the fence, and brother, sister, Jehovah God knowing all things and me in this
sacred desk here, I was covered over in a moment with hornets.
I’ve disturbed them. That’s their home. God made them. And I—I— I… That’s their
home.” And I said, “A little creatures of God, I’m sorry I disturbed you. But
now, I’m a servant of God, and I’m in a hurry. There’s many of His sick
children coming here to be prayed for. I must hurry.” And I run that lawn mower
back and forth, and those hornets humming all around me: with no shirt on
they’ll kill you. One of them would knock you down: great big fellows.
And they—them hornets flew all
around me, and I just went right onmowingwithjusttheloveofthempoorlittlethings,andtheycircled
right around, and went right straight into that nest in a straight row, about
like that in the Name of the Lord Jesus.
What is it? Love conquers all things. Love the Lord with
all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, with all your strength
and faith will accompany that love.
Now, notice. Abraham had to believe God in
order—love God to believe Him. You love Him and more you love Him the more
faith will accumulate. And so last night we left him where He was—appeared to
Now, we find out after he had
been El Shaddai to Abraham… Abraham an old man, still believing, holding onto
the promise… Lay hold of eternal life. Lay hold of every promise of God and
hold onto it. That’s what He said about being El Shaddai.
The baby just lays hold of the
mother’s breast and satisfied as he nurses the strength of the mother into his
own body. And he’s nursing the mother’s strength in his own body. If he’s weak,
fretty, run down, he nurses the mother’s strength.
Now, God’s Word is His Breast, and we just lay hold of That
and nurse our strength back from God’s promise. Just keep quoting it over, “I’m
the Lord that healeth thee.” Oh, what a change it makes when you believe it.
Now, we find that Abraham… Then Lot separated
himself from him and got into trouble. And a beautiful picture here, I want you
to see it of God’s love: Christ going after the backslider and the sinner.
Kings, enemies come in and took Lot’s wife, took the kings of Sodom and went
out. And Abraham, as soon as he learned that his nephew Lot had been taken by
the enemy (Look at it.), Abraham got all of his servants together, and went
pursuing the enemy, and captured the enemy, and brought Lot back. What a picture
of we fallen race of Adam. The enemy had us, and God the Father took the host
of heaven and went pursuing the devil until He conquered him and brought us
back safely. What a picture of salvation.
And God… Wish we had a long time;
wish we could just—the revival could go on for about two weeks, so we could
just get right in this Word and go to digging in It, bringing faith.
Got a big tent coming, seating about twelve thousand. We’re
going toputitupandstayfour—sixweeksatatime,sowecanjustkeepon.
And now, notice another thing; after that
then—after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah… We have to pass over many
these great places. And then when we find then the next thing takes place that
Abraham is setting out in the barren land. God has not promised us everything
nice, but God’s promised grace to endure. God’s not promised to take us home on
a flower bed of ease. Look at the patience of Job and the disciples, and down
through the age, how men and women has suffered for the cause of Christ. And
here was Abraham sitting upon the barren grounds under his oak, his little
tent; the flock being very poor, because Lot had taken the choice grounds. And
he and Sarah was setting there, and one afternoon while Abraham looked out, yet
holding onto God’s promise… He looked standing near the tree, there stood three
men over against the… Abraham went out to them, fell down at His feet—the three
man and said, “If I have found grace in Thy sight, stop by just a moment; set
under the oak, under the tree, the shade, it’s hot today.” Courtesy. Said, “And
I’ll fetch a little water and wash Your feet, and I’ll have a morsel of bread
cookedfor You.YourefreshYourself,andthen Youmaygoon.”That’s the way to
entertain strangers.
Notice, Abraham, waiting for the promise, there
was something in him that recognized that those were more than men, for One of
them was Almighty God Himself, and the other one was two Angels: the other two.
And so he slipped into the tent
right quick and said, “Sarah, go over to the meal barrel and get some meal and
knead it right quick, or sift it out, and make some unleavened cakes right
quick. And he run out into the herd and felt around till he got the fattest
calf he had, churned some milk right quick, and got some butter, killed the
calf, and cooked it, and got some veal chops, corn bread, some butter, the
buttermilk, tookitoutandsetitdownforGodandtwoAngelstoeat.Amen.
Now, Abraham set and watched Them, probably got
him a little bush and shooed the flies away while They were eating. Did you
ever do that? We used to have to do it at home: had a little fly bush out in
And there he watched the Angels
and God while They’re eat and God has His back turned to the door, and said,
“Abraham, where’s Sarah?”
Said, “She’s in
the tent.”
life, I’m going to visit you.” Sarah nearly a hundred years old… Said, “I’m
going to visit you according to the time of life.”
And Sarah (Here it is. Now, watch.),
Sarah, in the tent, laughed, inside the tent at God’s back, the Man setting
there in human flesh, eating the meat of a calf, drinking the milk and butter
from the cow, eating some corn bread… And He said, “Why did Sarah laugh?” (Back
behind Him then.) What would some of you skeptics call that?
Sarahgot scared;she
Said, “Oh, yes, you did too.” He knew what I was talk—what
He was talking about. Amen. Isn’t it wonderful? The Word so real and so simple.
After eating, He said, “Would I
keep a secret from Abraham, let him know what I’m going to do?” And He revealed
to him that the sins of Sodom had already reached heaven. Their cries were
great; He was going down to destroy it. Think of it, that… And then He went up,
vanished from Abraham. The Angels went on.
30 Oh, a preacher said to me
some time ago; he said, “Brother
Branham, do you really say that was God?”
And watch It’s in capital L-O-R-D: rulership, heavens and
earth, Lord God.
Why, he said, “How could that happen?”
Why, I said, “You limit God to your
Some people just can’t… We may
not be able to shout down the walls of Jericho; nor we might not be able to
have the faith of Joshua to cross the Jordan. And we may not have the faith
like Enoch did, who taken a little walk one day with God in the afternoon, a
little stroll, and just got tired of the earth and walked on home with Him.
God is Almighty. So what is the body made of? A
little calcium, potash.HeresometimeagodowninMemphis,Tennessee…Ilikeart,
andIwaswatchingthereinthemuseumwhereitsaidtheanalysisofthe human body of a man
weighing a hundred and fifty pounds was worth eighty-four cents. There’s enough
whitewash in the body to sprinkle a hen’s nest, and, oh, you know just a few
things like that.
There was two boys standing there, they… One looked around
at theother,andsaid,“Well,John,we’renotworthverymucharewe?”
But you’ll put a five hundred dollar mink coat on that
eighty-four cents and walk down the street with your nose turned up, like if
it’d rained it would drowned you. And you belong to some big church and you
take care of that eighty four cents, and what is it? Nothing but a little
handful of ashes, and you’ll stick anything in that soul which is worth ten
thousand worlds. You don’t think about that.
Dust thou art; dust returneth was
not spoken of the soul. Yes, eighty-four cents, what the human body’s worth.
God just reached down and got a handful of atoms,
and a handful of calcium, and a handful of cosmic light, and just blowed it
together, and made three bodies, and Him and two Angels stepped down in it and
they eat. That’s our God.
What are you… What’s the
resurrection so it’s a mystery about then? If the God Who can come out of all
space, Who fills the space of the solar system and beyond… Amen. Why, it’s
nothing for Him to speakandanythingcanhappen.ThenifHeknowsyoubyname…
Look. As I said the other night
about what my wife told me, I was
She said, “Where
are they at?”
And I said, “Where was they ’fore
I got them? They are there waiting for me to come to them.” And so is this body
going away, but one day there won’t be a speck of it left, but every atom
that’s holding it together, every bit of petroleum, all the cosmic lights, God
had it when He made the world, and He’ll give it back in a immortal condition
at the day of the resurrection when He calls from the dead. Amen. So what you
scared about? You should be the happiest people on earth. My. God Who controls
all the elements… They’re all His. He created them first before He created you.
You’re just a part of His creation when He made all those things. Then He just
took a little bit of it and formed it and made you…?…
Notice, God was showing in Sarah and Abraham
there, something that He is going to do for all people. You believe that? This
is just a little time out for a minute again.
I want to ask you something. Dad,
you remember what mother
lookedlikewhenyoumarriedher?Andyourememberwhatdadlooked like when you married
him, mother? Fine looking, handsome man, and that hair combed back. How
beautiful the eyes was of mother. You
I remember when I got married. I
looked at my wife and my heart beat real fast and… I couldn’t; I was a little
bashful; I couldn’t ask her to marry me, so I wrote her a letter and asked her,
and she accepted it. And so then when we… Remember when I got married how
pretty she was? But you know what? You’ll wake up one morning, saying “Mother,
there’s a wrinkle under them pretty eyes.” “Dad, there’s some gray hairs coming
in your head.” Death set in. It’s going to get—get you.
God painted that picture, said,
“There they are. Aren’t they beautiful? That’s My handwork. Now, death, come
on, you can take the body.”
Look now, Abraham and Sarah were old people. The
Bible said they well stricken in age. Now, what He proved through Abraham, and
what He did for Abraham and Sarah, He’s going to do for all of Abraham’s seed.
Now, you have to read the Bible
between the lines. Did you know that? That’s where some of you smart scholars
fail. That’s right. He said, “I’ve hid it from the eyes of the wise and prudent
and reveal it to babes such as will learn.”
Notice. Just be a baby; forget
all you ever knowed to know Christ. And notice, how my wife when I’m overseas,
she’ll write me a letter and say, “Dear Billy, I—here I am tonight, I’m
thinking of you.” Now, that’s what she putting on the paper, but I love her so
much I can read between the lines. See? If you love God real well (This is all
hid to the scholars.), but you can read between the lines. It’s a love letter.
That’s why I’m trying to tell you: love Him. It’s a love letter you read. God
wrote to you. It’s all hid from the smart people now. You just have to get
simple to read it. That’s right.
Watch this just a moment. Maybe, sometime coming
back, I’d like to take just this love letter, and may the Lord just reveal it
to us. You know?
So watch. Abraham, you know what
God did for Abraham and Sarah there? Might be strange; you might not think it.
But He not only blessed them, but He turned them back to a young man and woman
again. Did you know that? He did it. He sure did.
Now, watch. I can just imagine
Abraham the next morning getting up, say, “Why, Sarah, you know what? Why,
say—your—your—your— your—your—your—yourwrinklesaregoingoutofyourface.”
And she said, “Well, dad,
look—look, you know what? That stoop in your shoulder’s coming out.”
They was turning back. God can do
all things. Watch. They left there and went down to Gerar. Watch how far it is;
about three hundred miles. Quite a trip for an old aged man and little grandma
with a little cap on her head, going, shaking along down the road. And now, the
strange thing was when they got down there in the land of the Philistines,
Abimelech the king, was hunting a sweetheart. And all those beautiful
Philistines girls down there, when he seen Sarah, grandma,comingonacane,hefellinlovewithher.Nonsense.
He said, “That’s
the one I’ve been waiting for.”
Abraham said, “Oh, you’re fair to
look upon, Sarah.” A hundred years old. See? You have to read between the
lines. She was very fair. She went back to a young woman.
Now look, readers, you might criticize this. Now
look, if the woman was a hundred years old, right on a hundred, God… She had
been barren all this time. God had to create something in her, because her womb
was dead. Is that right? If He did that… It’s a mixed audience. I don’t mean to
be speaking like this, but in order for the woman to have the baby, it—in that
time when the baby’s being born, she’d have to have a new heart. That heart
couldn’t beat through that woman a hundred years old; there was no milk veins.
She couldn’t raise it on a bottle. Women didn’t smoke cigarettes and have to
raise their babies on bottles them days. They had to raise it the old—the real
way. That’s right.
So… That’s the truth. You know it’s the truth. The—the
biggest communistic… Why, it’s the worst; it’s the most dirty thing you’ve ever
done: a woman smoke cigarettes. I’ve got my opinion of her. That’s right.
want to tell you something else. And I’ve got my
opinion of aman that would let his wife smoke cigarettes. It shows who’s the
boss. Exactly. She’s…?… for you. Didn’t say that’s to be throwing. I don’t mean
it that way. I mean it’s the truth. It’s a disgrace to see way men so… Why,
they’re sissified or more than their women are. Who rules around your house
anyhow? That’s right.
Sarah was a beauti… Now, you ought to feel ashamed, lady.
I’m watching whose face gets red. I’m up here, way up high; I can watch you.
This might burn a little bit, but it’ll be good for you.
Notice, Sarah, beautiful woman again, and
Abimelech fell in love with her. God had changed her. She was back to a young
woman again, and Abraham. Showed it. They brought the baby forth: God did for
them. She was back about thirty years old. And what He showed in Abraham and
them, He proved what He’s going to do for you and I someday (Amen.), to those
who will take His promise and call those things which are as though they
wasn’t, if it’s contrary to God’s Word. Amen. Believe God. Lay hold on it. Hold
on to it. Set your course towards heaven; look at Calvary, the Author and
Finisher of our faith and not some scientific book.
Notice, look to Calvary. Watch just a minute now. Then talk
about being a young woman, sure she was and Abraham a young man. Now, look,
they brought Isaac to the world and when Isaac was a man of forty-five,Sarah
died, and then Abraham married another woman; and I believe he had either seven
or nine boys beside the girls after that. Certainly he did. He turned him back
to a young man again. That’s God’s Word; I believe It. Yes, sir.
Look at Abraham when he—he said
it way down the line—when he was way down the line, ’fore he was a hundred and
forty-five, when he was yet eighty, he considered not his own body then dead.
Oh, He’s wonderful.
Now, when the little boy was born, God proving
that after Abraham had held on for all these years… When he was about twelve
years old, God said, “Now, Abraham, I’m going to show those Cadle Tabernacle
folks up there, one of these days, that I keep My promise; and I’ll show the
world that you got faith in Me. I want you… I’ve made you a father of many
nations, and this boy, in him, I’m going to call the seed from Isaac. And I say
this: that I want you to take Isaac out there and kill him.”
The only hope that he had was in
Isaac. So I imagine Abraham couldn’t tell poor Sarah that, was going to take
this fine little twelve year—fourteen year old boy, his little curly hair
hanging down around his shoulders, and… his only child, and both of them then
getting up to middle age again, and… Why, how could they do it, take that poor…
Couldn’t tell Sarah, so he got all the wood together and put it on a mule, got
a couple of servants.
And notice, he went three-day’s journey and then
he looked far off and he seen the mountain which he was to go to, to offer the…
Isaac for a sacrifice. Now, a ordinary man can walk, anyhow, twentyfive a miles
a day. I’ve walked thirty a many day. But ordinarily in th—
those—thesedayswhenyougoinyourcareverywhereyougo,butthem days they were used to
walking. And if—if he went three-day’s journey, he was at least seventy five
miles back. And then he looked and saw the mountain far off, probably another
twenty-five miles. Now he’s a hundred miles back from civilization.
love this: Genesis 22. Fixing to close, listen close.
Then when hecome close to the mountain, he said to the servants… He took the
wood, perfect type of Christ and God. He laid the wood on Isaac’s shoulders,
took the fire in his hand. And look at this now. Oh, I love this. Oh, He’s
wonderful. He said, “You stay here, the lad and I are going yonder to worship.
The lad and I shall return.” Glory. I just had to let that come out.
Look. How did he? The Bible said
that he had received him as one from the dead, knowed that God could raise him
up from the dead. “How is he going to come back, Abraham? You’re going up to
kill him. How’s he going to return with you?” But he took God’s Word, knowing
that God had promised him, that through Isaac God was going to do something. He
didn’t know what. But it wasn’t his business to know what. Just walk on.
Well it is… How’s God going to heal me? I don’t know, but
walk on. “How am I going to tell my mother tonight that I got saved?” I can’t
tellyou.“HowamIgoingtotellmyassociatesIreceivedtheHolySpirit and born again?” I
can’t tell you. Walk on. Just keep going. Move on, laying aside everything,
moving on towards Calvary.
On they went up the mountainside: the little boy
with the wood on his shoulder, a type, God giving His only begotten Son in
shadow years to follow.But God’sshowingin there what He woulddo. Oh, I just
love it. And when he got up on top of the hill, he found a big rock for the
He said, “Here I
am, my son.”
He said, “Here’s the wood; here’s
the altar; here’s—here’s the fire; but where is the lamb for the burnt
Oh, down that old patriarch’s
heart, trembling with the knife sticking on his side to take his own son’s
life, he said, “God will provide Himself a lamb for the offering. It’s not my
business to argue about it
If He made the promise… “How can I, Brother Branham, when I
been paralyzed in this hand?” “How can I when I haven’t seen for years?” I
don’t know, but God made the promise. Oh, my. You get that down in your heart.
Let’s… Are you Abraham’s seed? Let that faith come into you: Abraham’s seed.
Notice, then he takes his little boy, binds his
hands and his feet. Isaac never said a word: obedient unto death, just like
Jesus was at the cross. Laid him up on the altar, pulled out the knife, the
tears, maybe, rolling down his checks, laid his hand on his little head,
brushed back the curls, pulled back the knife like this, raised his hands to
plunge the knife into his own son’s throat, ’cause God had told him to do it.
Just aboutthetimehegotreadytoactuponGod’scommandment,theHoly Spirit grabbed his
hand and said, “Abraham, stay your hand. I know you love Me.” [Blank spot on
About that time right over behind
him a ram hooked in the wilderness with his horns, bleated. Hallelujah. Oh, my.
“Hallelujah” means “Praise our God.” What was it? Abraham loosed his son, went
over and got this ram, and offered him instead. I want to ask you something,
friends; He called the name of the place Jehovah-jireh: “the Lord will provide
Himself a sacrifice.”
Where did that ram come from? He
was a hundred miles from civilization. And beside that, the ram couldn’t have
been there; the wolves and lions and things would’ve eat it. And another thing,
it’s up on top of the mountain where there’s no water. Where did the ram come
from? Jehovah-jireh, the Creator spoke the lamb into existence. He is there at
all times. He’s… That lamb come into existence in one
minuteanddiedthenextminute.ForonemantakingGod’sWord,God provided the thing. And
He’s still Jehovah-jireh tonight that’ll provide the sacrifice, and every time,
that a man or a woman will take His Word and step out on It and call It the
I felt someone say it was a
vision. It wasn’t a vision; it was a ram. He laid it on the altar and killed
it, and blood run out of it. It was a ram. God the Creator spoke it into
existence, and He can do the same thing tonight, can speak into existence the
power and the operation of the Holy Ghost to transform a sinner into a saint.
His omnipotence is here,
“How can I be saved, Brother Branham, when I’ve done…” The
Lord has provided. “How can I be healed?” The Lord has provided a ram. You
believe it? Let us pray.
examples. Paul, the writer of the Hebrews, said, “Seeing that we’re compassed
about with such a great cloud of witnesses…” O God, let we tonight, living down
in the closing of time… Many thousands and innumerable miracles of God since
that day upon the mount where Jehovah introduced Himself as God’s will provide…
Thou has provided us the Holy Spirit. Thou has provided us healing. Thou has provided
us salvation. Thou has provided us joy. And God, with grasping arms, may we
embrace every Calvary promise tonight as our own personal property. Grant it,
And while we have our heads bowed, I just feel
constrained to ask this question. You been here many nights in the meeting. Are
you without Christ, without God tonight, sinner friend? Would you just do this
if you’re convinced in your heart that He’s provided a way for you to come out
of that life and to live a different life? Are you convinced of it, that He’s
here? If you are, will you just slip up your hand and say, “God, be merciful to
me a sinner. I’m now in my seat, right here, want to accept Jesus as my
Saviour.” Will you raise your hand anywhere in the building?
calling. Don’t you know, maybe… God bless you, lady. Maybe before morning the
doctor may come and say, “Well, it’s a heart attack. She’s gone—he’s gone.”
After leaving a meeting like this
where God comes every night and appears…God bless youback there,son, see
“God, be merciful to me a
sinner.” I see you back there, son. God bless you, my brother.
Say, “Will that save me?” Yes,
sir. Your faith in God’s what saved you. I see you, mister; God bless your
heart. See your hand back there, sir. I see you there, lady. God bless you. God
bless you, lady. And you, sir, God bless you. God bless you, sir. That’s right.
All over the building hands going up. God bless you, lady, I see and both
stretched wide towards heaven. God, be merciful. He provides. God bless you,
little boy. I see you, honey.
What did Jesus say? Saint John 5:24, “He that
heareth My Words, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath eternal life, and
shall never comeintojudgment,buthaspassedfromdeathuntolife.”
fromahonestheart,I believeitdoes,youhaveeternallife.
“All that My Father has given Me,
will come to Me; and no man can come except My Father draws him. And he that’ll
come, I will in no wise turn him out. I’ll give him everlasting life, and raise
him up at the last day.” What a easy thing it is, just to renounce your sin,
raise yourhand.Now,people,don’tbelooking.LetGoddothelooking.May God bless you,
sir. God sees it.
What is that? “No man can come
except My Father draws him.” What’s that knock at your heart? Could you turn an
opportunity like that down, right here where you see God manifested every
night? How wonderful it is.
Just have faith, don’t doubt. Believe with all
your heart. Someone else now? There’s been many has waved… I see you, sir. God
bless you, my brother. You were dead a few minutes ago and now you’re alive.
don’t want to argue theology, but I’m saying what the
Bible said.Jesus said, “He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent
Me, hath (present tense) everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment but
has past from death unto life.” You believe it with all your heart? Be like
Abraham was. He believed God and it was imputed unto him for righteousness.
Now, after he believed God it was
imputed to him, God give him a sign of his faith. He give him circumcision,
which was a type of the Holy Ghost, after he had believed on God. Been
justified by faith, now he’stobesealedintheKingdomofGodbytheHolyGhost.
How many in here would—has never
been sealed, God has never recognized your faith. You’ve never been born again,
and He’s never recognized. Yet you’ve confessed it, but He’s never give you the
Holy Spirit, the new birth? Would you raise your hand and say, “God, be
merciful to me tonight? I want…” Oh, God bless you; that’s wonderful. Just
dozens of hands…
Heavenly Father, You know from the greatest to
the least of each of those. All those men, women, some young ladies and boys,
just at the crossroads of life, raising their heads. What a beautiful sight. We
know that the angels of God are around here now, standing near in the
tabernacle. You broke down all these things which we’ll have to come against us
at the day of judgment if You knocked at our heart and we refused it. But all these
hands has raise up, that they have received You, and they love You. And Thou…?…
God, according to Thy Word, I commit them to Thee. And Thy Word, Lord, said
that if they would do that, believe it, accept it, they’d have everlasting life
and would not come to the judgment, but has past from death to life.
We thank Thee for them, Father.
We pray that You’ll gather them up around the altar, and may they have a good
refreshing from the Presence of God. In Christ’s Name we ask it. Amen.
I don’t know how you feel, but I feel like
something inside of me been scoured out, just like something had held me.
The—the sacred feeling of the Holy Spirit, don’t you feel that, that sacred
feel? I just love that. There’s something about the Gospel that’s cleansing,
souls beingsaved.It’slate.Iwasjustthinkingaboutcalling…Idon’tbelieve I’ll call
a prayer line. I believe I’ll just stand right here, just do what the Holy
Spirit would have me do. Will you believe with me?
Listen, your faith picked up last night. And just as I said
that, something struck my heart and said, ‘That’s it.” You believe now. You
have faith in God. Do you do it? Look, every one out there, all of you people
out there, I don’t know you, never seen you. Instead of you coming up here,
it’s just a recognition that God has provided a way to declare His Word. You believe
Now, Jesus is alive tonight and
He’s among us. The very same God that created that lamb there for Abraham, that
took His Word, He’s here to create for you anything that you’d ask Him to do
that’s included in His blessings. Salvation, He did create for them the baptism
of the Holy Spirit; He’s created healing. It’s already been finished at
Calvary. You have to accept it.
Now, let’s bow our heads again, just a minute.
Would you give us a… sister, ever who’s playing there… Just be real reverent. I
want you to play for us:
The great physician now is near,
The sympathizing Jesus,
He speaks the drooping hearts to cheer, No other name like
Jesus. His Name expels my guilt and shame Oh, praise the Name of Jesus.
He’s here, the
lovely One.
Now, heavenly Father, we’re unworthy. We’re just
creatures of this earth, and we’re unworthy of the things we ask, Lord. But by
grace Thou has overlooked our unworthiness, and we’re not confessing that we
are worthy. We’re confessing we’re unworthy. We do not ask for judgment; we ask
for mercy. And dear God, the mercies of God to be granted to us tonight upon
the condition that these people, where dozens of them has raised their hands to
accept You as personal Saviour. God, I’m asking You to do something in this
sovereignty of
Your gift, that I, Your unprofitable
servant… And not saying that, Lord, to be humble; Thou knowest my heart. I’d be
a hypocrite to say such a thing if it didn’t come from my heart. Unworthy, but
will You by Your sovereign grace tonight, just let the people have faith
enough, like the woman at the well, and to prove to this audience that Thy
servant’s words that I have said about Your resurrection is true. Vindicate
that to be truth tonight, won’t You, God? Without—even people close to me… Will
You grant that, Lord? Through Jesus Christ’s Name, I ask it. Amen.
This is a strange thing. I don’t say that God,
our Father, will do it. I’m only asking for His mercy. Will you be in prayer
just a few minutes? I want ask you something. How many sick people is there in
Now, as a… You have a right to doubt my word, but you don’t
have a right to doubt His Word. You’re a sinner when you doubt His Word. Well
now, I told you that Jesus raised from the dead and does the same things now
that He did then. He stood in the audience. He knowed the woman that touched
His garment, and He turned to her,
said—foundherwhereshewas.Hedidn’tknowatfirst.Said,“Thyfaith has saved thee.”
want to ask some of you scholars, is that same word
“saved,” justthe same as it is salvation or healing? The same Greek word
“sozo,” is that right? He’s saved physically or saved spiritually. Now, believe
in salvation.See?Yourfaith(sozo)savesyou.Believeit?Oh,my.
Now, be real reverent. And if God will do that to any
person in the audience, will you believe? Just that you might see that it’s God
and not me, you just be praying and see if the Holy Spirit will.
How many here will believe with
all your heart? If God… If some person in there that I don’t know will say the
same thing like He did the woman at the well and tell what’s your trouble or
whatever it is, or something another, you’ll believe with all your heart from
right here. You won’t even have to be called in a prayer line. Will you do it?
May He grant it.
Now, I want you just to look to Calvary. Now,
He’s the High Priest of—of our confession. He’s the High Priest that can be
touched by the feeling of our infirmities. Is that right? Don’t be
straining.You—you get nervous. Just let loose. Say God, “Yes, that’s right.”
Now, in the sovereign grace of God, the Angel of the Lord
is over thebuilding,rightouttherenow.Iamnotahypocrite.I’mnotafanatic. I’m only
telling truth. Now, if He is, may He grant these things that I have asked.
As the audience is watching me, I’m looking right at that
same Pillar of Fire that you see on the picture, right now. It’s hanging over a
woman and over the woman is a dark shadow. I see her falling, frothing at the
mouth. She’sgot her head down.She’ssetting right back there. She has epileptic
fits. She’s setting on the end of the row. She’s praying for God to take it
away from her. Raise up your hand, lady, and accept your healing. Will you do
it back there? You believe that God will take away the epilepsy and make you
well? If you’ll do it, believe it, you can have your healing. God will make you
well. The Lord be with you, sister.
Don’t you love Him? Just be reverent. You’re in church.
Keeps moving right through this aisle, right in here. It’s standing over a lady
which has a—a checkered dress on. She’s got arthritis.
There sets a man there has got
high blood pressure; looking at me. He’s got his tie, striped, elderly man. You
believe, sir, God will make youwell?Yes,sir.YoubelievethatHe’llmakeyouwell?Justsay,“Praise
the Lord.” That’s all I want you to do. All right, sir. God bless you. Go home
now; you’re healed.
Be reverent. Man and woman setting together, the
lady wiping her eyes, you had high blood pressure too. And there’s two of them
together, so you were healed also. So don’t fear no more. God bless
I want you to say something, lady. You were praying, wasn’t
you? Is that right? You… Yes, ma’am, the little hat on you. Just raise your hand
so the audience can see who you are. Right. That’s the lady right there. You
werepraying. You’rehealed now. Youbelieve?
Right on down the row from you there is a lady praying.
She’s got epilepsy. That you might know who it is, her sister sets next to her,
and she’s a nervous woman. If that’s right, you two women stand on your feet,
if you’re sisters and stand on your feet—epilepsy, or… You believe? Have faith
in God.
Somebody over in here believe?
What about down in here, you believe? Have faith.
The little lady setting there with the white rose with
white flower, God can heal arthritis and make well, can’t He, lady? Do you
believe it? Raise up. Stomp your feet up and down. Raise your feet up and down
so you see it’s—your arthritis… Move your hands around. The Lord
Jesushealedyouthen,madeyouwell.Amen.Now,He’swonderful.Do you believe that? If
thou canst believe…
The lady setting next to you, lay your hands on
her. She’s got throat trouble. She wants to be healed too. Amen…?… That’s
right, isn’t it, lady? Now, you can be healed also. Amen.
Have faith in God. Now, I’m not
reading your mind. You believe God is in the building? I want you to start
praying just a minute. I’ll look some other way, if you think I’m reading your
mind. Just I want someone to start praying now and just pray real sincerely.
Just believe on the Lord Jesus and know that it’s not me; it’s Him.
O God, that they might know that You’re Christ and raised
from the dead, that You’re here, Lord.
I see standing before me two. It’s a man and a woman,
and the man has something wrong with his spine, and the woman has a female
trouble. And they’re… The man’s a minister. I’ve never seen him before, and he
isn’t from here. He’s from Ohio. His first name is Frank. Gray is his last
name. You believe that Jesus Christ makes you well now? Would you stand up,
glorify God? God bless you. Have faith in God.
How many more wants to healed? Put your hands over on one
another. Ministers of the Gospel, you keep me at my word tonight. Your people
will be coming to you weeks after I’m gone, telling you that their troubles was
healed. It’s just going from one to another, from one to another. It’s right
around in the audience…?…
Our heavenly Father, we thank Thee for Thy
sovereignty, for Thy blessings. And I pray, heavenly Father, that You will come
and minister, and bless each one of these; and may The Holy Ghost come upon
this people just now and heal them, each one. May your loving arms… May they
realize that Jehovah-jireh is at the—is at the line of duty tonight. The angels
of God that’s gone on pursuit after these demon powers that has the—taken the
people by force, that God has sent His angels, and they’re here declaring the resurrection
of the Lord Jesus.
of Jesus Christ, I adjure thee by the living Word.
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